Class booklists for the next school year are now available to download using the links below.
- Junior Infants Booklist
- Senior Infants Booklist
- First Class Booklist
- Second Class Booklist
- Third Class Booklist
- Fourth Class Booklist
- Fifth Class Booklist
- Sixth Class Booklist
All items on the booklist may be ordered through the school. Should you wish the school to order books, please complete the form and remit cheque for the total amount to the Class Teacher no later than Friday 17th June. We cannot process book orders after this date.
Cheques should be made payable to Maynooth B.N.S. Books, etc. ordered through the school will be distributed directly to the boys.
If you decide to purchase books yourself you must still return the booklist with the amount for School Requirements (and optional insurance, if applicable).
If you are interested in buying/swapping second hand books or uniforms then please see the P.T.A. websites at and