Credit Union Poster Competition
Congratulations to the following boys who were winners in the Maynooth Credit Union Poster Competition:
11yrs – 13yrs
1st Cian Whyte
2nd Mario Rudaru
3rd Matt Guillermo
8yrs – 10yrs
1st Michael O’ Hora
3rd Kristofer Gray
7yrs and under
1st Cillian Kearney
2nd Daniel McAvinue
3rd David Qualter
Green Schools Poster Competition
Congratulations to the following boys who were winners in the Green Schools Poster Competition:
6th Class – Mario Rudaru (Mr. Fenton)
5th Class – Luke Nulty (Mr. McGeady)
4th Class – Nicolai Bagrin (Mr. Downes)
3rd Class – Darragh Hewson (Mr. Murphy)
2nd Class – Daniel McAvinue (Ms Tierney)
1st Class – Sean O’Dwyer (Ms Murphy)
Well done boys!