Thanks for all the support to date and please keep an eye out for future PTA events, we hope to announce the annual sponsored walk date soon with additional fun on the day for all the family!
This year’s Coin Weigh-in Challenge was a great success and thank you to the whole school for taking part in the collecting of 280.2kg of coin which equates to €3055.00
Well done for the decorated and wonderfully named pigs that represented your class and enjoy your prizes
We had a fair turn-out for the clothes collection which took place on the 23rd of Feb, on the day the PTA raised €314.00, we hope to run this initiative again later in the year.
Anyone wishing to join the PTA team would be most welcome; meetings take place on the first Tuesday of every month at 8pm in the school. If you are unable to attend the meetings but would like to help out in other ways please contact us.
Recent meeting minutes…