Minutes of extra-ordinary PTA Meeting on 1st May


May 1st 2013

A brief background as to why the meeting was called.
PTA Members had been asked to attend a meeting in the boys school on the 1st of May at 2.30 pm. The meeting comprised of members of the PTA, BOM and School representatives, the PTA were strongly urged that a representative should attend the umbrella group meetings, in support of the junior senior school, as per the BOM guidance last March. The PTA had stated the PTAs reluctance to get involved in the group based on:

  1. The limitations of the PTA constitution
  2. The unprofessional approach of the group to date: This included statements made at the umbrella group meeting the previous Monday that our schools Board of Management had given the umbrella group an instruction that under no circumstances was St Mary’s BNS school name to be removed from any correspondence from the group, and that the board had given the chairperson of the Girl School authority to represent the St Marys BNS at any meeting agreed with the Minister: these claims were refuted by St Marys BNS BOM.

It was asked that the PTA form a response, it was agreed that a meeting would have to be held with the PTA committee, and the PTA would revert then.

The Agenda for this meeting was then introduced:

Look at the remit of the PTA and the constitution
PTA aims to the meeting were read and discussed. It was agreed that the lobbying for the junior/senior schools did not fall within these aims

Consider future involvement in the umbrella group lobbying for a junior and senior school
It was agreed that there is no mandate for the PTA to lobby. As there is no record of the attendance at the independent consultation meeting on Feb 7th, nor notice of a vote, no mandate can be implied. The preferred option is to ask parents if:

  1. They wish to lobby for junior/senior
  2. They wish to keep the status quo
  3. They have no opinion

Also to look for volunteers for a committee (non-pta committee) to follow through. The PTA will no longer be involved. It was felt that lobbying a minister needs to be done by people with the specific experience and expertise.

Consider request by the Board of Management chair to have PTA representative at future umbrella group meetings
Though there is support for the junior/senior school model, nobody present at the meeting was willing to step forward, based on all the points raised already. PTA preference is for a separate committee to follow through if a mandate was given, this committee can then represent the BNS.

Consider our response to the Board of Management.
If it is the view of the BOM that the PTA committee is acting outside of the role of the PTA as set out in our Constitution, the committee is willing to step down.

