Parent’s Association
The aim of the Parent Teacher Association of St Mary’s Boys National School is to promote the interests of the boys in the school with the co-operation of the Board of Management, Principal, Teachers, Parents and Children. There are a number of activities which the PTA committee is engaged in throughout each school year to achieve this end. These have previously included:
- Providing funds through the generosity of parents through their voluntary contribution for many items including; sports equipment, a large stock of supplementary readers for the junior and senior infant classes, IT equipment, the all weather play area, help with the School Musical, Wet Day Games etc.
- Providing refreshments at First Holy Communion, Confirmation, 6th Class Graduation, Junior Infants first school visit and coffee mornings.
- Organising a DVD for the First Communion.
- Organising and running the annual school Book Fair.
- Covering all the books held by the school, including class library books, class readers and supplementary resource books. An inventory of all these books has been completed by a member of the PTA.
- Producing the PTA Newsletter.
- Liaising with Kildare County Council and Gardai to promote safety in and around the school. The PTA has been active in raising concerns about the safety of our children in the school yard and on the surrounding roads for a number of years.
- Helping with setting up and maintenance of the school website.
- Group Texting. This scheme has been funded by the PTA.
- The PTA worked to have the 6th class boys brought on a visit to the Post Primary school prior to starting in September. In conjunction with other primary schools in the town the PTA helped organize and run a very successful Get Together of children from the Boys National School, the Girls School and the Gael Scoil which was hoped would make the transition to secondary school easier for them.
- Provision of a introductory language class program for 6th class boys in Spanish, French annd German.
- The PTA hold social nights occasionally so that parents have an opportunity for getting to know each other and also to have a nice evening.
None of these activities happen by themselves: in order for the PTA committee to continue with these and other activities your help is required! The committee meets at 8.00 pm on the first Tuesday of every month in the school and is open to new members at the October meeting each year. Forms are issued at the AGM. New members are very welcome. The committee is also especially grateful for help with any of the above activities from parents who are unable to join the committee, please use the link below to register your availability to help.
The PTA committee can be contacted via the Contact Us form.